
Furious Fox Ch: 9

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Naruto laid in his bed. He had decided to give himself a break from his training. Okay, that was one reason, the rest of it was because he didn’t want to face anyone else. What if Roka found the girls again and then told them that he was a demon? Sure, he shouldn’t really care but he had started to get to know everyone. Okay, maybe Jiraiya wasn’t one that he thought that he could get to know but still, the Five he was starting to feel like he could trust them.

Staring up at the ceiling, all he wondered was how was he supposed to train anyway? Sure, Kurama had trained him in his mindscape but that still didn’t help him in his body. All it did was give him some movement but his reflexes were still a tad slow for reaction time.

Sighing softly, the young man pushed himself up onto his feet, all he wanted was to get away from this place. Yet he knew… no, he just felt that he had a reason to be here right now. “Maybe I’ve just been driven to insanity.” He sighing and left his room. The look of it, it was lunch time. He missed breakfast from sleeping in but at least he had something else to do. Cooking always helped him to relax anyway.

Chuckling softly to himself, or at least he attempted to, the young man made his way down the long hallway. He had wondered though why he hadn’t seen Kakashi or even Master Hiruzen. It had been a while since he had seen those two yet he never even thought about them. There had to be a reason for it yet at the same time he just had thought that maybe they must have been busy. Or that he had just been busy with all of his training trying to learn the Rasengan.

Shaking his head, the young fox demon made his way into the kitchen only to blink when he saw Kakashi sitting at the table, sipping at some tea through his mask. How was it that he could drink like that amazed him. “Um… hello Master Kakashi.” Was all Naruto could say before he went to start gathering ingredients to start cooking.

“Hello Naruto, why do you seem so down?” asked Kakashi, how it was that he knew that he was troubled he had no idea but… he trusted the mysterious teacher.

“I keep thinking that everyone will know… about what I am.” Naruto answered softly. He knew that Kakashi wouldn’t know what he was, or about his past. So there was no problem with at least saying something. Letting out a sad laugh, he added “I had been about to tell Hinata about it, but I was interrupted but couldn’t say it again.” Letting out a soft and sad sigh, he leaned his head against the table as he tried to get himself to calm down.

“Hm…” Kakashi just seemed to stay by the table. He didn’t get up, at least he couldn’t hear him move. In fact, the young man didn’t think that the man would even speak. What was the point anyway? It wasn’t like that he would know the answer that would reassure him that everything would be alright. But what he did hear was what surprised him. “If they are your friends, or, at least if Hinata is, she wouldn’t care about what you are Naruto.” Kakashi said before pushing himself up and making his way over to the blonde and crimson haired man. “After all, friendship, as powerful as it is, will always look past things such as what you may, or may not be.”

Naruto turned to him, wondering what he meant by that. He acted as if he had been in that situation himself. But how? Sniffing the air, Kakashi smelled like a normal human so there was no way that he could be like him. Kakashi just smiled down at the younger man as he said “I know it all so well because I myself, had friends that were very different from myself Naruto. True friendship is powerful, but love is even more powerful than anything else in the entire world.”

”He speaks the truth Naruto.” came Kurama’s voice, almost making Naruto jump. He kept that to himself for a moment before he smiled at Kakashi a little. The man was rather odd that’s for sure though he wasn’t sure if those words would be true for him. There was just too much on his mind that it was causing him to be down on himself once more.

“How can you be sure of that though Master Kakashi?”

“Just Kakashi is fine Naruto, and I know because like I have said before I was in your situation myself. Many years ago.” Kakashi said, his smile showing through his mask as he added “It will be almost twenty-five years ago that I had last seen them.” Then, his smile grew sad before whispering “Since fate had been cruel and taken my friends away.” Patting Naruto’s shoulder, he started to walk away. His words though, it had caused Naruto to turn around in shock. Almost twenty… but he lost his friends around the time when he was born wasn’t it?

“Kakashi what do you mean by you losing your friends?” asked Naruto with confusion and shock on his face. There was no way that it could be right? Sure, his father had told him that he had never left Konoha but was it possible that it was a lie? No, his father was a horrible liar, he knew that much. Every time his father would even attempt at lying, his left eye would twitch or his cheek would end up twitching up a storm.

He had no idea what Kakashi was trying to say, but what he knew, was that it just gave him more questions about his past. Could this end up involving his mother somehow? Fear, lord he hoped that would be the case… He wanted to know more about his mother.
Kakashi turned away as he said “I lost them many years ago. They may be at peace because of a promise I had made. I just hope that they don’t hold it against me that I haven’t fully kept it but I am still trying even now.” With that, he started to walk away, leaving a confused blonde and red haired young man alone to his thoughts. What had just happened? How was it that he got even more confused than before?!

“Damn it, Kakashi sure is a confusing guy.” Naruto mumbled to himself before he started to get back to work on lunch. Man, he knew that Kakashi was rather odd but to hear that from him? It made him even more confused. He just hoped that it would be something that he would find out someday, because there was a nagging feeling in the back of his mind that was telling him that he was supposed to remember something. Yet, it was so far deep into his mind that he just couldn’t remember, or it was that he just couldn’t get himself to remember.

Rubbing his temples, he tried to get himself to focus on his meal that was before him. Yet, it just seemed that no matter what, he just couldn’t get himself to focus. “Maybe just hearing Kakashi’s tale is what confused me so much.” He said to himself, not expecting anything else to have confused him more than it had already done.

”You will be protected little one, my little Naruto. So long as I live, no one will ever harm you. Plus, with someone like our friend to protect you, no harm shall ever get you, I promise you my little Naruto.” came a voice from his mind, Naruto’s eyes widened in shock as he looked around. Breathing rapidly, he tried to think on the voice. He knew the voice, he just knew what it was. The voice, it was so soft and soothing. A voice that he remembered.

“Wh-What was that?” He asked, not sure if he would ever get an answer. He grabbed at his head, feeling like his head was going to burst just trying to remember it. This couldn’t be happening?! He was so close to getting an idea as to who this was but it would always slip away. “What the fuck is going on?!” Shouted the young man, he could feel his body trying to change into his demon form. It was trying to change but he was trying to stop it.

”You aren’t ready to remember…” came Kurama’s voice, he wasn’t sure why that was, but the only thing Naruto knew was that he felt an odd chakra trying to build up within his body. It wasn’t of power oddly enough, it felt different. Soothing, it was spreading to his chakra network like a woven blanket, he felt… so tired…

“What… are you… doing Kurama…?” Whispered Naruto, trying hard to stay awake.

”I’m sorry Naruto, but you are just not ready to know the truth. Knowing now will end up destroying you.” calmly came Kurama’s voice, before Naruto’s world faded to black. He didn’t want to do it, but Naruto’s mind and body, at this stage just couldn’t handle the truth. Not yet, not until he has trained hard in both body and mind would he be able to learn of that truth. First, he had to be prepared for the trouble that was coming to them.

Now, Kurama had some ground control to cover, and no matter how much it pains him to do this, he knew that he would have to block that memory once more. Just thinking of having to block that memory, it almost broke the man’s heart to block that voice again after not hearing it for so many years. ”Forgive me…


“Naruto? Naruto are you okay?” came a soft and soothing voice. Groaning a little, Naruto felt something soft under his head. He had no idea how long he had been out for, or how it had happened. All he could remember was slight pain and then nothing. Slowly, he opened his eyes and looked up into the concerned eyes of Hinata. Why did she look like she had been on the verge of tears? Blinking slowly, the young man could smell the salt from the unspilt tears yet he felt like he should be noticing something else.

“Hinata? Wh-What are you doing here?” asked Naruto, his body starting to get some kind of strength back from his rest. He groaned a little more, feeling like his head was close to splitting in two. Man, he never knew that he could get a headache like this before in his entire life. Breathing deeply, he rolled his head to the side, feeling like Hinata’s scent was right there, right where his nose could nuzzle right into her relaxing scent. Man, this pillow was soft.

“I came to check on that smell in the kitchen, I found you out cold and you looked like you were in pain. I asked the palace healer to come and check on you while I stayed. We’re still waiting.” Hinata explained a little, that would explain why she was still here instead of getting help but, what confused him was why had he passed out? What happened? He felt no pain from something hitting him so that couldn’t be it.

Closing his eyes, the young man sighed softly in content as he nuzzled his pillow. Not sure what it was but damn it was comfy and not to mention the scent was just so soothing. He heard a small squeak from Hinata but didn’t pay it much mind only for his thoughts to start to clear. Hinata had said that she had stayed with him when she came to check on a smell, then told someone to get the healer so, there was no way that she would have left him to get a pillow- Eyes snapping open, he threw himself off of Hinata and noticed that he had, indeed, been resting his head on her lap. Not just that, but he had been nuzzling her nap?!

Blushing blazing in crimson, he shouted “Oh god I’m so sorry!” he waved his hands quickly in front of him in panic before grabbing at his head. Everything was spinning, he felt so dizzy that he almost fell over. At least, until he felt Hinata wrap her arms around him. He groaned a little as he whispered “I’m sorry. I was trying, not to make a fool of myself.” He tried to laugh but the pain in his head came back, causing him to whine a little.

“You’ll be alright. We have the best healer here. She’ll be here soon enough.” Hinata said with a smile on her face. Naruto sighed softly as his head resting on her shoulder. Why did this happen anyway? “Naruto, do you know what happened to have you pass out like that?” asked the young woman.

“No.” He moaned out before trying to hide his face in Hinata’s shoulder. “I don’t remember, I just remember cooking then… nothing.” Naruto couldn’t deny that it was rather odd that this happened. It just seemed that no matter how hard he tried to remember, he would hit some kind of mental wall that prevented him from knowing what it was that had happened to him. Maybe it was best that he didn’t try to remember, he felt like it was better that he didn’t know what it was. For now, he was just content being held by Hinata. He just felt, well he had no idea what it was that he felt being held by her, all he knew was that he loved this feeling.

“Okay, I’m here!” came a new voice, causing Naruto to groan a little. Why did people have to be so loud? “Oh, he’s awake, that’s good.” Said the voice a bit softer before making their way to the two that were on the floor. Naruto didn’t look up to see who it was that was in the room with them, all he cared about was to ignore the pain and Hinata’s scent was helping him relax. “Hinata, put him on that chair, since he’s awake I can do some tests on him.” Hinata shifted, helping the young man up onto his feet and got him to the chair.

Hinata though of course had to hold onto him so he wouldn’t fall over and onto the floor. Blinking slowly, the young man looked up and saw a woman with short pink hair. Eyes green as jewels and a blue diamond on her forehead. She wore red robes and had brown pouches around her waist. Most likely to hold her medical tools.

“Follow my finger please.” Came her voice, holding her left index finger and started to move it side to side. He had no problem with that, he had no problem with seeing, everything was fine with his sight but his head wasn’t. “Good.” She said with a smile before holding her finger up as she said “I want you to touch my finger then your nose until I say stop.”

Again, that was simple enough, it must be to see if he had hit his head or anything. To make sure that he didn’t have a concussion. Too bad for her, this stuff didn’t bother demons. He almost wanted to smile to himself. “Hm… nothing seems wrong. Tell me though, what happened?”

“I don’t remember. I only remember cooking and then next thing I know I woke up resting on Hinata’s lap.” Naruto said before yawning. He just wanted to forget about this whole thing-oh wait, he pretty much did since he had no memory of what happened. Scratching the back of his head, the fox demon calmly said “I don’t think you’ll find anything wrong with me. I’m a rather tough case, healers have never been able to figure out how my body ticks.” Which was true, not that healers still didn’t try to figure out the body of a demon.

“Alright, but if you start to feel like you’re about to black out again later, get someone to get me.” The healer said with a smile before she left. Once she was out of sight, Naruto turned to Hinata, wondering why he’s never seen that woman before though Hinata just smiled happily.

“That’s Sakura, she’s a fighter yes but she is also one of our best medics.” That explains why he had also sensed a weird aura about her. Not a demon aura of course, but the healer of a healer and a warrior. Yawning, Naruto pushed himself up to get back to cooking, only to be stopped by Lee.

“Naruto, Hinata, Master Jiraiya wants us to go to the arena, he wants to test the Furious Fox’s fighting skills.” Oh shit it got worse for him.


Naruto gulped as he stood in front of Jiraiya. He had yet to see the man since he first began his training for the Rasengan. Hell, he hadn’t even trained in fighting at all. The only thing that he had learned was how to unlock his chakra, then of course trying to control his speed and strength. Other than that, the only training he had done was in his mind. He has had was in his mind, and that was mostly when he was asleep.

Jiraiya though, looked just as pissed as he ever has. Standing on the side was the Furious Five, Master Gai who had recovered from their battle months ago. Then of course Master Kakashi. They all stared at him, wanting to know what it was that he could do that would allow him to be the warrior that they all suspected him to become. To be honest, Naruto was nervous about the whole thing. He didn’t want to fight because there was no way that he would be able to win anyway.

“So, how has your training of the Rasengan been coming Naruto?” asked Jiraiya as he glared at the fox.

“Fine, I have mastered the second stage.” Answered Naruto.

“I see, but you are still running out of time Naruto. You have still one task to go and then you still have to go through the mastery.” Jiraiya said with a smirk, causing Naruto to stare at him with wide eyes. “The third stage is easy of course, but trying to make sure that it is complete and perfect you still need to train.”

Naruto narrowed his eyes, this guy was trying to make sure that he failed just so he could prove a point?! “You son of a bitch!” shouted the fox demon, he was pissed. “I will prove to you that I can master this, you haven’t even been able to master it! What makes you think that I can’t!?”

“Because you aren’t the chosen warrior.”

Naruto just glared, he knew that he didn’t deserve to be the warrior, but damn it all. He hated it when this guy kept on saying it. This was going to end, here and now. He was going to prove to everyone that he was meant to be the Furious Fox, no matter what! Nothing would stop him, after all, what could go wrong anyway? “Now, we shall prove it once and for all by a little fight.” Jiraiya said before he soon charged at the unexpecting man. Naruto yelped when he felt the older man’s fist against his cheek.

Naruto went flying and hit the wall. Damn, he didn’t think the old man would have that much power. Shaking his head, he pushed himself up and charged. Throwing his own punch, only to have it blocked by Jiraiya. Staring in shock, the young man found that the wind had been knocked out of his lungs when the old man had punched him in the stomach. How the hell was he this fast? He was human, so there was no way that Jiraiya should be this fast!

Holding onto his stomach, Naruto looked up only to be met by Jiraiya’s foot hitting him in the side of his head. Naruto screamed as he rolled onto the ground, landing on his stomach before he tried to push himself up. “Naruto stay down please!” shouted Hinata, not sure if he would even be able to hear her. In all honesty, Naruto did hear her, but he refused to give up. He wasn’t sure what it was, but maybe he was sick of being told that he couldn’t do it.

He had been told all his life that he couldn’t do this, or couldn’t do that because he was a demon. Now, now he had finally grown tired of it. He wanted to prove himself, prove that he was the man that he should be if he had been surrounded by other demons. A man that would be respected, would be normal among everyone. Lifting his head, the young man jumped to his feet before rushing forward with a scream.

Jiraiya had been rather surprised that Naruto was getting up already. Though he wouldn’t allow him to win. Naruto threw punch after punch, only to have them blocked or miss. Jiraiya had thrown his own punches, one even felt like it had dislocated his shoulder. Naruto had screamed from the pain, holding his shoulder as he glared at the older man before him. Jiraiya just smirked as he said “Give up, there is no way that you could win. Not with your shoulder like that.”

“You’re wrong.” Naruto growled before slamming his shoulder into the ground, letting out a scream as the shoulder slipped back into its socket. Everyone stared at him in shock and horror that he did that to himself. Pushing himself back up, Naruto growled out “I won’t let you do this anymore. I will prove that I am worthy!” With that, he rushed forward.

Jiraiya shook his head before rushing forward. “Sorry boy but this is the end of the line for you.” With that, he threw punch after punch. His fists were nothing but a blur for the young demon. Naruto was being thrown back with each punch step by step. The young man felt the blood pouring down his face from the cut on his forehead that had been formed. Blood spilling over his left eye as he tried to fight back. The anger that was what he was feeling.

Naruto already felt his mind starting to slip. This was bad, Jiraiya’s anger, his hate, it was flowing around him like an aura. This was bad, there was no way that he would be able to last much longer. Soon, the young man felt the older man holding his shirt. Naruto weakly looked up at Jiraiya, the battle hadn’t been very long, he knew that. But with his head throbbing from the pain earlier, he figured that was one reason why he didn’t last very long.

“This is the end for you boy.” Jiraiya said before throwing one last punch, a punch that had been infused with his chakra, sending Naruto into the brick wall. Naruto slammed into the brick, feeling himself fall into unconsciousness. There was nothing left for the young man at this point. Jiraiya turned to his students as he said “Now we know, that he was never meant to be the Chosen One. We may now go back inside and choose the right one this time.”

“Sir we can’t leave Naruto there!” shouted Lee.

“Someone will tend to him, he is none of our concern anymore.” Coolly said Jiraiya before he started to walk away. At least, he was until he felt a gust of dark chakra. Eyes widening, he turned around and saw a black aura surrounding Naruto’s body. “What the…?” he asked in shock.

“Naruto?” whispered Hinata in shock.

Naruto slowly started to rise to his feet, his blonde locks turning crimson like his ponytail. Lifting his head, his eyes seemed to be glowing red yet his eyes seemed rather unfocused. The young man just seemed to stare at Jiraiya, the source of his pain as his body shook from the aura that surrounded him. Everyone could only stare in shock at what was happening to the once blonde haired man. The only sound around them, was a loud roar.
okay, I'm sorry that it isn't great but there will be a battle coming up. Now, before anyone asks, the voice that Naruto heard, that will be the only time that it will happen, it was a voice from his past, but there won't be more I believe until the sequel. I hope you enjoyed it though.
© 2016 - 2024 fire-inu-princess
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Dragon-hime's avatar
For me, it's a wonderful chapter!!!!!
Please more soon!!!