
Furious Fox Ch: 20

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Naruto groaned a little. When he thought that he would be fighting someone like Obito, he would have laughed at first. Now, he wasn’t going to allow himself to boost about his own skills, he wasn’t that self-absorbed. Far from it. Yet, he didn’t think that he would be getting his ass kicked like this in the first place. Taking a deep breath, the young man tried to think, tried to think on what it was that he could do to allow himself to attack. There had to be something that he would allow himself to fight back. To have some kind of self-defence.

Breathing deeply, Naruto slowly pushed himself up as he stared at the slow approaching ex-hero. Obito just stared at him, his eyes cold and empty but his smile… it was cruel and sadistic. At least, he thinks that was the right word that he would use to describe him.

“Oh how the mighty have fallen. I think Grandmaster Hiruzen made a mistake when he chose you. There is no way that you could be the warrior. How you got the scroll, I have no idea but it was a mistake.” Obito said with a smirk on his face.

Naruto growled a little, again, it seemed that the sound of his growl had caused a slight sight of confusion to appear on his face. Why that was, Naruto had no idea. Unless, Obito doesn’t know that he’s a demon. Oh right, Obito was locked up before Naruto was born. At least, he was pretty sure of it. Groaning, Naruto pushed himself up, slowly making his way to stand back up onto his feet as he glared at the raven haired man. “I won’t allow you to do as you please.” Naruto growled out, for a brief moment his eyes flashed crimson before reverting back to their ocean blue colour.

Taking a deep breath, the young man got into a fighting position, his demonic healing kicking in as he felt himself starting to recover. If this was going to be a long battle, he’d have to make sure that he kept his demonic chakra open for him to use. There was no way that he could risk allowing himself to get his but handed to him already.

Or at least, not again.

Obito just stared at Naruto, his eyes changing to red with three tomoes within the depths. Naruto had no idea what the hell that is, but before he could figure it out, it disappeared. It seemed that Obito seemed confused about something, but made no remark on it. At least, for now he didn’t. “What are you boy?” asked Obito. Okay so he was going to question it. Narrowing his eyes, he said “There is no way that you should have been able to recover so quickly.”

Naruto just growled at him, there was no way that he would give him that honor of knowing what he was. No, right now wasn’t a time for ‘reveals’ so to speak, but a time of action! “Let’s just say… I’m a special case.” He said with a smirk before rushing forward. Using his own chakra hoping to increase his speed enough to give him some kind of upper hand when fighting Obito. While the raven haired was powerful, he was still only a human. Acting quickly, he slammed his fist into Obito’s stomach, knocking the wind out of his lungs. Obito howled from the pain before he could react with his own attack, Naruto spun around and kicked the ex-hero in the ribs, sending him flying into a tree.

’I can’t believe that I hit him!’ thought Naruto with shock and awe. Only to shake his head before he saw Obito rushing at him with a scream. Acting quickly, Naruto quickly dodged and slammed his foot into the older man’s back, hoping to know him over or down. Whichever works for him to be honest.

Yet Obito seemed to have had other plans.

Acting quickly, he twisted his body around, grabbing a hold of Naruto’s ponytail, the only part of him that the older man could grab. Naruto yelped from shock and fell to the ground with the older man. He was trying to collect his thoughts, yet he wasn’t sure if he would be able to do that. Blinking his blue eyes slowly, the young man turned his head and saw Obito standing up and smirking down at him. Damn it all, he collected himself quicker than he thought he would.

Obito smirked down at him. His eyes flashing red once again to that strange eye pattern of his. What was it? What was that strange thing with his eyes that he kept doing? He knew for a fact that those were not the eyes of a demon, yet staring at those eyes, almost made him feel a shudder flowing down into his core. A part of him was afraid of those eyes, what was it about those eyes that caused him to be afraid in the first place?

”Naruto, do not look into those eyes! I don’t know what it would do to you!” shouted Kurama’s voice. How he just came back, Naruto didn’t know but he figured that it was because of him no longer wearing that bracer that locked away his demonic chakra. Naruto almost asked why, but Kurama was already speaking. ”Just trust me on this Naruto, you do not want to look into those eyes, those are the eyes of someone who can easily hurt a demon. I don’t know if it would affect you with your partial human heritage.”

“I can see it in your eyes. You are afraid of my eyes… I wonder why.” Obito said with a smirk. Even though Naruto couldn’t see it, he could just about hear the smirk in his voice. Soon, Naruto felt Obito lifting him up by his shirt, causing the younger man to stand back up on his feet once more. Dear lord, what was he going to do? Staring at Obito for a moment, the blonde looked away, not sure if his eyes were normal or not.

“I wonder what would happen if I forced you to stare at me boy…” Obito whispered, getting really close to Naruto’s face. Man, what was with this guy and making people uncomfortable? Was it just something he just started to do because he was away from people for so long or he just knew it would make people uncomfortable?

“I don’t care what kind of sick things you’re into but do not kiss me.” Naruto growled out, may as well use humor to try to get his mind and body to relax from the shiver of almost looking at his eyes again.

Obito narrowed his eyes, the red of his eyes faded back to the coal black that he first had. Naruto wondered if his own rage had just caused his chakra to somehow block the power to his eyes. Oh well, he didn’t feel that fear anymore, so that had to be something at the very least. Yet, there was something else that had gotten to the raven haired man, he just knew it but he wasn’t sure.

“I may be twisted, but I am not gay!” Shouted Obito, tossing Naruto like he was nothing more than a rag doll. Rolling onto the ground a few times, until he landed on his belly and just lied there. Okay, so no more gay jokes with him, that only seemed to piss him off more. Groaning softly, the young man took a deep breath, hoping to get himself off of the ground, he knew that he had to be careful with him still. As soon as his eyes changed, he wouldn’t be able to look at him, the fear kept surfacing and it scared him. Making him think that something bad would happen, such as him losing control over himself once more, he couldn’t afford that to happen.

Yet, before he could push himself up to his feet, Naruto screamed as he felt a great weight just seem to slam into his spin, making him not just scream, but roar from the pain. Obito laughed as he heard Naruto’s mighty roar of pain and torment. He just… laughed, Naruto just laid there on the ground, eyes wide in pain and trying to catch his breath. What the fuck was with this guy?

“You aren’t human. No wonder why you are afraid of what my eyes can do. You know, no, you don’t know personally but your blood does. Your blood knows of the truth of what my clan, what our eyes can do. How we can do more to you than you want to believe. It’s why you keep trying to look away from my eyes when I stare at you with my sharingan.” Obito declared with a laugh, a laugh that was filled with insanity. Yup, this guy was insane, that was for sure.

He knew?! Damn it all to hell! Slowly turning his head, Naruto stared at Obito, for once his fear was because someone like him, someone crazy and insane had learned of what he was. Or at the least, of what he wasn’t. What did he want from him now? “If I can use you… I can rule the village! Maybe even use you to go further than ever before!” His heart was beating rapidly within his chest. No, he couldn’t allow that to happen! Too many lives would be lost!

“I won’t allow that!” Shouted Naruto. Only to scream when he felt Obito slam his foot into his spin once more, this fucker was going to get royally beaten if he didn’t stop doing that! Damn it all, he had to do something before he could anything! Looking around quickly, trying to get an idea as to what he could do, but there was nothing within his reach that he could use! No way was he going to use his tails, Obito may end up grabbing them!

Wait, he was on dirt… okay, this was going beyond ‘fighting dirty’ but it was all he got! Acting quickly, he grabbed a handful of dirt and tossed it toward the older man’s face, causing him to yelp in surprise and jump back rubbing at his face. Naruto quickly stood up, or at least as quickly as he could while he was in pain as he stared at the evil ex-hero. “I won’t let you do as you please! I will stop you before you hurt anyone here!”

Obito, even while in pain just smirked. “Oh really? Would you really protect people who hate you? I know for a fact that you aren’t human, and yet the people here all hate demons because of what happened all those years ago. They should, by default hate you as well.” Naruto just glared, his eyes flashing red for a brief moment before reverting back to normal. “I can tell that I hit a nerve didn’t I.” He chuckled a little, giving his eyes one last wipe before removing his hands from his slightly blood shot eyes. “You are nothing but a monster to them. You will never be accepted by anyone and you will be seen as nothing but a tool for destruction.”

“Shut up!” shouted Naruto.

”Don’t listen to him Naruto, he’s only trying to get you wild up!” shouted Kurama.

Damn it, he knew that but still… to hear it from a psychopath, it made it a lot worse for him. How, he didn’t know but, it just struck a nerve with him. Before he could say anything else, Obito slammed into him once again, shouting out “Show me your true form! I wish to see the form of the monster before me!” Naruto groaned when his back slammed into a tree. God, this hurt, what was this guy trying to do!?

”Don’t transform Naruto! He’ll have a better chance at controlling you. Remain in your human form!” shouted the fox spirit.

So that’s it, the guy was trying to control him? Wait, how would Kurama know this in the first place? Looking up, he saw that Obito rushed at him again, yelling, no, screaming, no not even that, demanding, that Naruto transform into his true self. There was no way that he would allow that. If he was going to fight him, he had to be himself, and being a human, no, a demon, with a human heart meant anything than he would have to stick to this didn’t he… didn’t he?

Shaking his head, Naruto went to throw in a punch, only for the older man to dodge quickly and slam a kick into the blonde’s side, causing him to fall over from the pain. Damn it, what was with him and knocking him down so much?!

“Transform you son of a bitch!” shouted Obito as he slammed his fist against Naruto’s face, hoping the pain would force some kind of transformation.

Naruto groaned a little, the amount of hits to his head had caused his vision to blur for the most part. Though he still refused to transform, there was no way that he would allow himself to transform, he didn’t know if he could still be controlled with his human blood flowing through him. Yet, he was starting to doubt it since his body kept shivering at the thought of Obito’s sharingan.

“I… won’t transform.” Naruto whispered, only for Obito to slam another punch against the side of his head, right at his temple as Naruto just fell to the ground, just lying there. Naruto felt like his mind was fading in and out. It almost felt like his own illusion to keep himself appear human was fading but not. Wait, did that even make sense?

Blinking slowly, the young man looked up and he couldn’t help but stare blankly at the older man, he started to kick at Naruto’s stomach. Hoping to get some kind of reaction out of the younger man, yet nothing. The only thing that came from Naruto, was him yelping or whining from pain. His body shimmered, so close to its transformation back to his original form, he tried to hold it, tried to keep his demonic appearance closed off for the time being but damn it all. It was getting harder and harder for him to even do that!

Tightly shutting his eyes, Naruto tried using his strength of will to stop himself from transforming. He didn’t want to change, didn’t want to allow himself to be used as some kind of weapon. The thought of it, it frightened him a great deal. Even though he himself tried to hide it. Just as his body was giving up the fight in preventing his transformation, a voice yelled out… it sounded familiar, yet… unfamiliar.

“Get the fuck away from him you son of a bitch!”

Naruto turned to the new voice, and he couldn’t help but slowly widen his eyes. There stood Hinata, in a fighting stance, her face, instead of being kind, calm and collected, it was fierce, on edge and ready for battle. Yet, she still held that calmness to her that showed that she didn’t lose herself to her anger. Obito just stared at her with an amused smile. “Oh? Do you think you can take me on little lady?” Obito mocked.

Hinata just narrowed her lavender coloured eyes at him, it seemed that she didn’t take to mocking very well…  Naruto tried to speak, tried to warn her to run with her life yet no matter what, he just couldn’t speak. The only sounds he could make were soft whines. Most likely from his demonic self.

“I won’t allow you to hurt Naruto anymore than you have! I won’t let him fight alone!” shouted Hinata before rushing at him, her eyes narrowed into slits as her own anger grew. Yet, it didn’t seem to have blinded her thank god for that. Yet, Obito was still quicker than her.

They threw punches, kicks and seemed to be able to dodge each others attacks without any issues. Yet, Obito… it almost seemed like he was only trying to entertain her more than really giving it his all. Naruto groaned and tried to push himself up, he had to do something. Had to do something to get Hinata out of there. Yet, no matter what he did, he just couldn’t figure out what it was that he had to do. Yes, he knew that he had to accept himself, both parts of himself but how was he to do that? What was the one thing that he was preventing from happening in the first place?

Coughing a bit, his lungs hurting from the amount of times that Obito had kicked him, knocking the wind out of him. “Hi… na… ta…” whispered Naruto, he had to get back out there. The thought of losing her, it hurt his heart. He had to get out there, had to stop the fighting. He had to fight Obito himself and stop this once and for all so no one else ever got hurt again.

Suddenly, there was a loud scream, causing Naruto to turn to the source. There, laid Hinata, her arm in an odd position, but it wasn’t just that… it seemed that she had it dislocated as well as broken. All Naruto could do was stare at her with wide eyes.

“Didn’t think you could beat me. Women shouldn’t be warriors. I knew one like you once, someone I cared deeply for but she died because she wasn’t strong enough! I lost her, because she wanted to be something else, be something different. Well, you and all women need to learn your place here. You can’t be more than what you are meant to be!” shouted Obito as he kicked Hinata in her shoulder, causing her even more pain.

No… no! Naruto growled, he had to stop this, had to stop it before it went further! Yet, his body, it wouldn’t move! Obito caused more harm to her, kicking her, punching her. Yet, what he saw next was what sent his blood cold. Obito created claws from his own chakra, slashing at Hinata and picking her up, stabbing her in the stomach causing her to scream all the more. Naruto couldn’t stand this anymore!

Tightly shutting his eyes, he hoped and prayed to whoever the hell was listening to him, that would help him. His heart ached for Hinata, seeing her go through such pain. His demonic blood burned and yerned to hurt the one who dare cause the one he loved pain. Both parts of him, wanted one thing, and one thing only.

To protect Hinata.

A whirlwind of flames surrounded Naruto, causing both Obito and Hinata to stare at the scene in shock. It seemed that neither of them expected this to happen, yet Hinata felt like something horrible had happened to the fox demon. “Naruto…” she whispered.

Naruto could feel everything happen to him. He felt like a dam had broken, allowing the flow of his human and demon chakra to burst forth, merging and swirling together into one. His fox ears appeared, as did his tails, claws and fangs. Yet, his feet did not remain the same, and had become the legs of a fox instead. His hair completely turned blonde as his chakra grew in power and strength. Yet, his eyes, only one of them changed for the most part. Both pupils turned into slits, but left eye turned crimson, while the other remained blue. The whisker marks became thicker, as did his hair. As soon as the whirlwind left, Naruto stood there in his new form just glaring down at Obito.

“Okay you son of a bitch, you wanted me to transform, well here I am. Ready to take you the fuck down!”
okay, here is the next chapter, I'm in a bit of a good mood so I may write the next one up tomorrow since I have another day off, it depends what I have to do tomorrow. Anywho, I hope you like it and yeah, I thought I'd make Obito a tad sexist... and sadist. and just down right crazy, yup... also, I hope you like the new take on Naruto's demon form, this is him, when he had accepted both halves of who he is, I tried to merge both forms of his self so I hope you like it. Later!
© 2017 - 2024 fire-inu-princess
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Dragon-hime's avatar
This fought so fantastic!!!!!